Our Mission Committee Statement is to always strive to be faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord. We are called to love and serve God through active ministry. We are committed to working collectively and individually with those in need, while respecting their dignity as human beings. As we engage in this ministry, we will strive to always exercise responsible stewardship of all the gifts God has given.
We support Mission funding of the church, as a whole. The Mission Committee promotes local, national and international mission projects. We also promote the four special offerings of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
We have also encouraged the members of the church to contribute to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Fund and Samaritan's Purse (Operation Christmas Child).
We are fortunate to have monies in the General Fund of the Church to help with the local and area projects to which we have donated. We have also had luncheons after church with a free will offering to help with monies for various projects. Our main fundraiser has been the selling of dish cloths of which they have been good sellers and, thus, helps us in our efforts.
The Mission Committee at work, sharing with others brings great joy to all.
Fraternal Order of Police Christmas with a Cop
High Street United Methodist Free Store
Salvation Army Unit #21
First Step
Kiwanis Club Back to School Shoe Program
Geary Family YMCA Summer Recreation Program
Pantry Plus of Seneca County
Caring Hands Pregnancy and Parenting
St. Vincent de Paul
Fostoria High School Redmen Band
Leadership Seneca County
Fostoria Chamber of Commerce Youth Business Start-Up Program
The Presbyterian Purpose - Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study; to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom.
2nd Tuesday​ at 11:30 a.m.
September through May
Chapel Parlor
All women of the church as well as the community are invited to attend. We collect $2 from each participant each month for dues but we welcome those, too, who may not be able to donate.
Nickles for Nets (Healthy Mothers/Healthy Families)​
Birthday Offering
Least Coin
MVP Presbyterian Women
West Ohio Food Bank
Salvation Army Fostoria
American Red Cross
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Fostoria Sharing Kitchen
The Deacons at First Presbyterian Church prepare the Sanctuary for Sunday Worship and all special services, in addition to preparing the elements and table for Holy Communion.
Pantry Plus is a continuous mission project and to that we deliver food and cash donated by the congregation. In January, November and December that project is enlarged to meet the needs of winter. Toys for Tots is a Christmas mission that we support with a cash donation and throughout the year we respond to specific community needs as presented by various helping agencies in town. Also at Christmas we deliver cards and flowers to our shut-in members and friends.